'Luxury Stories by Design'


Welcome to Kiwi Does It - your personal, luxury, New Zealand travel Creative.

Luxury... Time out... You time... Getting away from it all... Disconnecting. They all mean different things to different people, and everyone has their own take on them - so what's yours? Is it a secluded beach escape with no internet access? Perhaps it's a stunning wilderness lodge (but with all the mod-cons)? Maybe it's sailing through the gorgeous Marlborough Sounds or hiking through Jurassic Fiordland? Active or subdued? Chopper vs. Shanks' Pony vs boat? Cities vs. coastal? Or a maybe it's a seamless and sustainably-driven combination of all of the above... No matter what your drive, get in touch with Rob. With over 20 years of luxury travel design and global guiding experience, he'll immerse you into that incredible Kiwi story you've been daydreaming about... Whether privately through-guided, occasionally hosted or your very own self-guided exploration - combined with his insightful, down-to-earth nature yet open and honest expertise - he's here to make that all-important planning process both personalised and seamless.

In order to help design your amazing New Zealand holiday, Rob needs to get to know who you are, 'why New Zealand' and what you want out of your trip. When we travel, we are in many ways put under pressure, tested and confronted - it's part of stepping outside that comfort zone and it's what makes travel so addictive. Rob ensures that your adventure runs smoothly because it's what he's done for years, all around the world.

now in NZ